The Ksquared Advantage: Delivering Unparalleled Results

At Ksquared Search, we’ve developed a unique approach that differentiates us from traditional corporate executive search firms. Our boutique firm unites executive recruiters with diverse backgrounds, networks, and expertise to provide innovative solutions that consistently exceed client expectations. While corporate executive search firms generally have a defined specialty, such as healthcare or marketing, we pride ourselves on our interdisciplinary approach.

Read on to discover how our team’s collaborative method is changing the game for our clients.

Centering on Collaboration

Unlike larger executive search firms where recruiters often work in silos, Ksquared thrives on collaboration. Our consultants’ collaborative approach ensures that you benefit from the collective expertise of our entire team, resulting in more innovative solutions and a higher caliber of candidates.

Principal Mark Rounds emphasizes this: “At Ksquared, no one lives on an island. Everyone is happy to bring their expertise to the table to help one another get a winning placement.”

This collaborative spirit allows us to adapt quickly to changing client needs and market conditions. Founder Deb Kaufman explains, “As a small team of highly engaged and experienced consultants, we’re agile in our approach. There are times when there’s a shift in the search, but together, we adapt to quick asks because we understand how quickly the corporate world changes.”

Research shows that team collaboration may drive a 41% increase in client satisfaction. Our process provides ample room for teamwork, allowing our executive recruiters to thrive in a marketplace of ideas, sharing knowledge regularly to find the candidates best suited for your organization.

“You’re getting the horsepower of experienced search professionals who collaborate,” Principal Lisa Linehan said. “We’re working together by sharing talent, voicing ideas, and helping each other, which isn’t always the case in other firms.”

Building Off Our Backgrounds

As a boutique search firm, we leverage our team’s diverse expertise to deliver exceptional results. By tapping into our team’s varied backgrounds, we offer a 360-degree view of potential candidates, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of their fit for your organization.

Each of our consultants brings their own areas of expertise to the team. For example, Principal Jeff Minich joined the firm 16 years ago when our focus was primarily financial services. As a result, he has spent almost two decades becoming an authority on executive searches within this industry. This expertise has been instrumental in Ksquared Search securing top-tier talent for our longstanding financial services clients.

Our executive search team also has transferable skills from previous careers. Managing Director Kathryn Stauss was a lawyer for over a decade before transitioning to an executive search role. Her background brings a unique perspective to our executive search process. Her critical listening skills and quick decision-making abilities, honed in the legal sphere, ensure that we dig deeper to find the perfect fit for our clients.

“Because of my foundation at a law firm, I’m pretty meticulous about the product we put out,” Kathryn said. “I’m not shy about redlining our work for my colleagues.”

Activating Our Networks

The Ksquared team’s diverse professional histories give us access to expansive networks across various industries. These networks allow us to identify and attract high-caliber candidates who may not be visible to larger search firms, giving you access to a broader and often more qualified talent pool.

Principal Wendy Zang’s 20-year career in journalism, for example, has provided us with invaluable connections in corporate communications and marketing roles. Her expansive network enables our team to identify qualified candidates that larger search firms may overlook.

“The network that I had already had from 20 years in the journalism industry has really been helpful, especially as people go into corporate communications and marketing roles,” Wendy said.

Wendy is just one example of our ability to access various corners of the professional world. Ksquared executive recruiters have previous experience in legal services, communications, and beyond — giving us unique insights that those with careers exclusively in executive search may not have.

Partner with Ksquared Search

At Ksquared Search, we’re not just filling positions — we’re partnering with you to drive organizational success through exceptional talent acquisition. Our unique blend of diverse expertise, extensive networks, and collaborative approach allows us to deliver results that consistently exceed expectations.

“As a small team of highly engaged and experienced consultants, we’re agile in our approach,” Founder Deb Kaufman said. “There are times when there’s a shift in the search, but together, we adapt to quick asks because we understand how quickly the corporate world changes.”

At a boutique search firm like Ksquared, all hands are on deck to deliver results. Partner with our executive recruiters today by contacting Ksquared Search.